Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Whistle While You Work #13: God Will Reward

On this last “work” post, we see the final way we can whistle while we work – despite the challenges – is to remember that we will be rewarded by God, our ultimate boss, for the good we do.

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, 8 because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free. (Ephesians 6:7-8)
That’s in the context of a slave-master relationship. And Paul says God will see the good you do. If you do good, regardless of your circumstances, God will one day reward it. It may not show up on your paycheck, but it doesn’t escape God’s attention. Nothing you do – not one thing – is meaningless. How much more is the sacrifice when you’re in a difficult situation in your job? You may have to love someone who mistreats you. If you remember from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus calls us to love our enemies. God won’t look past this. He’ll notice, and reward you.

When the grind of your job has made you crazy with boredom or frustration, keep at it. God will reward your faithfulness. It may not be on this side of the grave, but He will remember. He takes care of His people.

“Your supervisor may think you are a nobody, or he may not even know you exist. That doesn’t matter. The Lord knows you exist, and he is going to reward you on the same terms as the most famous Christian. There is no partiality with God (1 Peter 1:17). ‘Whether slave or free,’ your good is recorded and rewarded.” (John Piper - A Godward Life 177-178)
God won’t forget the good you do, even if nobody else notices. Your reward will be great. Whistle while you work. Your work matters to God. It is meaningful.

How does the thought that you work for God and He’ll reward the good you’ll do make a difference in your attitude at work?

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