Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ordination #2, Art. 3b: Christology, Death, Burial, Resurrection

The rest of Article 3 - Christology.

Jesus died a humiliating death on the cross (Lk. 23.32-46), a sacrifice for our sins (Mk. 10.45; Rom. 3.21-26) according to the Scriptures (Lk. 24.23-27; Isa. 52.13-53.12). Three days later He arose bodily from the dead. The physical nature of His resurrection is evident in the showing of His physical wounds and eating (Lk. 24.36-43). Jesus’ resurrection is a guarantee that we will one day follow Him in resurrected bodies (1 Cor. 6.14; 2 Cor. 4.14), which serves as a motivation for us to serve God faithfully (1 Cor. 15.58) and with confidence (1 Cor. 15.17-19). After His resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven (Acts 1.6-11; Eph. 1.20). This ascension is significant because it is His exaltation after His humiliation of incarnation and crucifixion (Phil. 2.9-11). Jesus’ ascension was necessary for Jesus to prepare a place for His followers (Jn. 14.2-3) and so the Holy Spirit could come and work in and through the disciples (Jn. 16.7). Currently Jesus sits in a place of honor and authority at the right hand of the Majesty on High (Eph. 1.20-22; 1 Pt. 3.22) where He serves as our High Priest and Advocate (Heb. 7.25; 1 Tim. 2.5).

On to Pneumatology!

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