Monday, July 7, 2008

Why the King James Version?

I get a little nervous when people get rabid about the KJV (“It was good enough for Paul, it’s good enough for me!”), so I thought I’d comment on why I’m reading it these days. Quite simply, I try to read through the Bible each year. I’ve done it a few times and I tend to go on autopilot when I read stuff I’ve read before. Now I read a new version each year. New language will sometimes help me stop and think a second time. It’s the year of King James. And it is pretty interesting language along the way.

1 comment:

Wacky Weavers said...

grew up w/ the KJV- loved the way it sounded like poetry, transfered to NKJV to understand what the poetry was saying- and now reading NIV- that's simply because my husband has converted me to that.

Like to hear more about it was you finish this year reading.