Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gospel in a Pluralist Society: The Logic of Election (ch. 7)

Election is a highly offensive doctrine to much of the world, but Newbigin shows the logic of it based on the relational nature of God. He says, “From its very beginning the Bible sees human life in terms of relationships” (82). This means that God has revealed Himself particularly because He has chosen to work through the network of personal relationships, primarily, to make Himself known. In this regard, election is as much a responsibility as a blessing. Those elected are given the responsibility to share the message of Jesus with others. In terms of primary objections to election, Newbigin offers that God consigns all men to disobedience so that He might show all mercy. While Newbigin knows this raises concerns of universality, he is content to remain agnostic on the matter of who is or isn’t saved.

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