Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Prayer Help

A vital discipline for the Christian life is prayer. Some people have natural, thriving prayer lives. I’m not one of them. It’s work for me. Sometimes I work hard at it; other times I’m pretty lame. But our senior pastor gave a message two Sundays ago that had some helpful tools for prayer highlighted. Check it out here. Click the media tab. It’s the 2/14 message.

A great element (that we should really put online) was the videos of some people sharing some practical tips for prayer. One shared an iPhone app, another shared their journaling technique (I use something similar), but the one that I’ve hooked on to from the message is Echo Prayer. It is a service where you type in your requests and you’re sent reminders – whenever you schedule them – via text, email, or both.

I figured the site out by myself and it has been a helpful reminder, and challenge, to pray more regularly for those requests that I asked to be reminded of. If I can figure it out, anyone can.

Check it out: www.echoprayer.com

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