Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Whistle While You Work #5: Loving Your Neighbor

The last few posts have dealt with how our work is beneficial to ourselves, personally. I’m sure, if God is at work in your life, you were wondering when we’d get outside ourselves to using our job to bless others. Now is that time, though we know we usually derive much personal joy from doing good to others. These next several posts were, in the sermon, under the second point: "Whistle! Your Work Matters for Your Neighbor!"

One of the things I found most exciting when studying for this series, in the formative stages and when it came time for me to preach. Calvin and Luther apparently didn’t care much whether you were self-fulfilled in your work (see Vocation by Schuurman). You could hate your job, but you were called by God in that job, whether you liked it or not, to love your neighbor. Work was a key venue for loving your neighbor in Reformation times.

Before we begin the posts on how you love your neighbor, have you ever thought of loving your neighbor as an important reason for your work? How do you see yourself loving your neighbor in your work?

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