Friday, January 8, 2010

Keep on Praying

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it here, but I’ve mentioned it in messages before. Prayer comes naturally to some people. They ‘connect’ in a meaningful and personal way when they pray. I don’t. At least I don’t ‘feel’ it. It is often a challenging discipline for me rather than a joy. One of the things that helps me, though, is that I read a prayer book each year – just to continue challenging me and keeping prayer in front of me so I do it more.

I’ve also re-started working through The Divine Hours by Phyllis Tickle. It’s a book of fixed hour prayers that is easier to navigate than the Book of Common Prayer. I did it a couple years ago and it became stale after a little over a year, but it was a tremendous help at the time. It’s helping again. Just by checking in – even if via borrowed prayers – helps me stay more conscious of what God is doing around me and has me closer to praying without ceasing than a little time in prayer in the morning and maybe a little more at night. Experience tells me it won’t last forever, but it’s helpful for now.

What about you? What do you do to keep a strong prayer life?


Jocelyne Sade said...

Journaling is what makes prayer happen for me, and like you, throughout the day is tough. I go into self-steering mode and forget I am not alone every moment of the day. Isn't that sad?!

I very much appreciate your comment on how reading about prayer, or better yet, a prayer book helps keep prayer on your thoughts and in front of you. I should try the same.

Because life has been very difficult for me, I can easily think God is angry with me, when in fact, He is so much wanting me to come close and focus on Him.

A friend of mine prays on the hour. I was thinking of getting one of those bird singing clocks to remind me on the hour to take time to pray, or a watch that beeps on the hour. Well, I suppose that could get annoying, but hey, as you learn a new habit, annoying may be a good thing!

So enjoy your blog, especially on the present topic of Crying out to God for HELP!

Jocelyne Sade said...

By the way, Whirled Views is a great name!!!