Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Book Club: Church Unique, Introduction

This is pretty short notice so I’m not sure who has the book yet (Church Unique by Will Mancini - if you missed it in the Title). I copied the Intro and Chapter 1 from my boss’ copy until my copy comes in next week. But for this week’s interaction, think about a couple questions.

1. What are you hoping to gain from reading this book, if anything?
2. What are you looking forward to after reading the Introduction?

We’ll hit the ground running next week, reading chapters 1-2.


Justin said...

Re: 1. In terms of what I’m looking forward to, I’m not a visionary kind of guy. I’m content with creating a process and sticking with it. But I realize others aren’t and, the longer I’m in ministry, I’m gaining clarity about the things I’m interested in and I feel like more vision for what I’d like to see in the church is being formed in me. At the same time, I’m uncertain about vision. I don’t get all the lingo and the difference between vision, mission, purpose, etc… I’m hoping I’ll get some help with all that stuff.

Sierra Reach Worship said...

I'm hoping to gain an idea on how to focus a vision for implementation. I like the fact that this book seems to be open to all forms of churches and not just mega church. I really want to be able to figure out what God has called this church to and how we can best serve that calling.

I'm looking forward to to seeing how they figure out their vision. Right now my church is in major change stage and we need a clear cut vision for what God wants to do in and through us. So I am looking forward to utilizing this information.

Justin said...

We're also processing vision and I told our senior pastor, after he was explaining some of it to staff, that it is a bit underwhelming. I know he read Church Unique and now I understand why. It isn't a huge change from who we are because vision springs from the people God has brought us. It will move forward and have some specificity, but it is still related to who we are as a congregation instead of trying to be someone else. I find that helpful and more realistic.

Josh Uht said...

I agree. Some times I think that vision should be this grand, slightly unattainable, ideal. this book seems to be making more sense out of it.

Greg said...

I am hoping to understand what he means by "missional" but really I hope to gain a better understanding of how to evaluate what the culture is in a given ministry. Hopefully what he has to say I will be able to apply outside of the traditional church context.

I am looking forward to seeing if Mancini can actually come through with what he said he was going to do. and like I said above, being able to distinguish what is part of the core culture of the church or ministry and what is non-essential elements.