Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ordination #1b: "Call to Ministry"

The candidate’s call to ministry.

After high school I was planning on going to state schools, going into education, and being a wrestling coach. After a couple years of school I wasn’t so sure. It was at that time that God, at a youth group meeting not at all associated with missions, laid missions heavy on my heart. I remember trying to shake it and make excuses and then found myself "accidentally" reading Moses’ story in Exodus 4. My excuses wouldn’t work. I spent a month with a missionary in Portugal and that was confirmation that ministry was something I could see myself doing. I went to seminary planning on going to the mission field to teach, but I thought I needed some practical training before I went so I applied for the college intern position at Cypress Church, where we attended while in seminary. I fell in love with my college students and the pastoral ministry at this point and have since seen my role as more of a missions mobilizer, though God may change that at any time.

I've been reading some stuff on vocation, and I don't believe there's only a calling for "ministry." Where do you think God has called you? What makes you think that?

Coming Next: "Preparation for Ministry"

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