Just as God has used great evangelists like Billy Graham and Bill Bright to communicate God's timeless truths to their culture, so we must do the same in ours - even our micro-cultures. Driscoll gives seven "signposts" for helping people find Jesus in his life (pp. 58-60) - I've summarized, on some points, what he's talking about.
1: the gospel connects to this life. It's more than just going to heaven; there are benefits to following Jesus in this life.
2: the gospel infuses daily activities with meaning.
3: the gospel names sin and points the way to forgiveness. We can't get away from the problem of sin when we contextualize.
4: the gospel transforms life. God wants to do an extreme makeover in our lives. The gospel won't let us stay the same.
5: the gospel builds a spiritual family. The church loving each other should be a powerful apologetic for the gospel, not a reason people reject Jesus.
6: the gospel is about participation with God. We're saved to do good works (Eph. 2.10).
7: the gospel is about Jesus as the means and end of our salvation. Jesus isn't supposed to get us anywhere. Glorifying Him is the destination, everything else is the means.
- If you were to write a gospel for the people in your culture, where would you start?
- If you were to write a gospel for the people in your culture, how would you explain sin?
- If you were to write a gospel for the people in your culture, how would you explain Jesus?
- If you were to write a gospel for the people in your culture, what about Jesus' life and teaching would they most resonate with? Why?
- Which of the signposts have been most helpful to you personally?
From The Radical Reformission by Mark Driscoll, p. 61.
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