Friday, March 16, 2007

Angela & Evangelicals

Suzanne and I have been working through the third season of The Office on iTunes for a couple weeks now. Suzanne is hooked by the Pam & Jim story. I don't really know why I like it, apart from Dwight being the closest thing I've seen to Kramer (Seinfeld) in a while - though I admittedly don't watch much TV.

You may be asking what this has to do with anything?! Angela - the uptight, angry blonde in The Office - is the Christian. We're getting ready to do a series on the Christian at work on Sundays (after Easter) and that, along with reading Driscoll, got me wondering how people function in the workplace.

So here are the questions:
  • Do you know Christians (not you, of course) who would be considered "Angelas" in their workplace?
  • Surely Angela is a fair representation of some joyless Christians, but is she the exception or the rule?
  • How do you live out your faith and honor your God in your workplace without being like Angela (trust me: you don't want to be like Angela)?

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